Sverige tar hem det nordiska ljuspriset!
Så var det äntligen dags för Sverige att stå som vinnare av det nordiska ljuspriset. I mycket hård konkurrens delades utmärkelsen ut den 13 november på Lysdagen i Oslo. Stort grattis till Drottning Silvias Konsertsal och Light Bureau!
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Bli prenumerantÅtta fantastiska projekt var med och tävlade, två från respektive Norge, Danmark, Finland och Sverige. Det är de nationella ljustävlingarnas vinnare som går vidare till det nordiska priset som delas ut vartannat år.

Beställare: Lilla Akademien
Ljusdesign: Light Bureau: Daniel Hodierne, ansvarig ljusdesigner
Arkitekt: Giorgio Palù
Elkonsult: AFRY: Tommie Ericsson
Elentreprenör: Stockholms Elpartner: Thomas Blomstedt, ledande montör Christer Carlsson
”With a very low budget, the lighting designers have succeeded extremely well to achieve a lighting solution which not only enhances the architecture, but also meets the high demands regarding acoustics and flexible use of the space.
This fantastic experience has been prompted by extensive preliminary studies. The luminaires were not only tested and chosen regarding light quality, but also noise tested for not disturbing the acoustics and quality of sound which is of the utmost importance in the hall.
Wherever you look, you experience a glare free lighting environment. At the same time it fulfills all the needs to make unique and various lighting solutions for the different events which occur in the hall. The user-friendly control system gives staff the ability to transform the hall as desired. With the push on a button, a functional lit classroom will be transformed into a stylish lit concert hall. A hall with a special, emotional and colorful lighting gives the audience the possibility to experience the special scenic atmosphere of this amazing concert hall.”